thumbnail Elon Musk et DOGE (2/2) : votez Grok | Arrêt sur images
thumbnail Mike Brock -
thumbnail Elon Musk et DOGE : le coup d'État informatique (1/2) - Par Thibault Prévost | Arrêt sur images
thumbnail Managing servers · Medienbäcker Thomas Günther
thumbnail Ploi - Server Management Tool
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thumbnail Using padding to space an input and label - Darin Senneff
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thumbnail How to Use ARIA Alert Effectively - The A11Y Collective
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thumbnail Obsidian Kirby Sync - Maurice Renck
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thumbnail En pleine élection agricole, le Sénat vote le retour des insecticides tueurs d’abeilles | Mediapart
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thumbnail The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility: should I use pixels or rems? • Josh W. Comeau
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thumbnail Free WordPress Themes – Anders Norén
thumbnail Pico CSS • Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
thumbnail Analyser du code PHP avec PHPStan - Alsacreations
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thumbnail mozilla/readability: A standalone version of the readability lib
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thumbnail robbert-vdh/yabridge: A modern and transparent way to use Windows VST2, VST3 and CLAP plugins on Linux
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thumbnail Faire un site avec Kirby CMS – Notes
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thumbnail All – Tiny Helpers
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thumbnail AI history poster | Daniellejwilliams
thumbnail CSS scoped custom property ignored when used to calculate variable in outer scope - Stack Overflow
thumbnail Right-to-left Styling
thumbnail Native HTML light and dark color scheme switching - HTMHell
thumbnail Le vélo - Karbikes
thumbnail Comparatif de onze solutions de SSO libres - La Contre-Voie
thumbnail Don’t Use aria-label on Static Text Elements | Ben Myers
thumbnail Silex: Free Website Builder, Libre Software, Open-Source No-Code
thumbnail Headless CMS | Directus
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thumbnail The Fall of Stack Overflow / Ayhan Ç | Observable
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thumbnail Reactivity Fundamentals | Vue.js
thumbnail The Hype Around Signals — Smashing Magazine
thumbnail tBaxter/questions-for-employers: A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers.
thumbnail Comment auditer l’accessibilité web avec VoiceOver quand on a un ordinateur sous Windows ? - Copsaé
thumbnail Why Alpine is the new jQuery and Why that is an Awesome Thing – Frontend Masters Boost
thumbnail Concevoir un composant d’auto-complétion accessible – Access42
thumbnail How to Write Better TypeScript Code: Best Practices for Clean, Effective, and Scalable Code - DEV Community
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thumbnail An HTML Email Template with Basic Typography and Dark/Light Modes – Frontend Masters Boost
thumbnail Open Design Guide
thumbnail Making content-aware components using CSS :has(), grid, and quantity queries - Piccalilli
thumbnail maplibre/maplibre-gl-leaflet: This is a binding from MapLibre GL JS to the familiar Leaflet API.
thumbnail MapLibre | MapLibre
thumbnail Come To The Light-dark() Side | CSS-Tricks
thumbnail A (more) Modern CSS Reset - Piccalilli
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thumbnail stevefaulkner/screen-reader-HTML-support
thumbnail Accordion Pattern (Sections With Show/Hide Functionality) | APG | WAI | W3C
thumbnail Progressively Enhanced HTML Accordion — Adrian Roselli
thumbnail Details / Summary Are Not [insert control here] — Adrian Roselli
thumbnail My favourite accessible accordion pattern - Hassell Inclusion
thumbnail Expanding summary details tag accessibility | Pat Godfrey | Blog | User Experience
thumbnail Two CSS Properties For Trimming Text Box Whitespace | CSS-Tricks
thumbnail A guide to destructuring in JavaScript - Piccalilli
thumbnail Building the Perfect Logo Strip - 9elements
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thumbnail The handleEvent() method is the absolute best way to handle events in Web Components | Go Make Things
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thumbnail Going Buildless | Max Böck
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thumbnail Responsive bar charts in HTML and CSS - 9elements
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thumbnail Block Links: The Search For A Perfect Solution | CSS-Tricks
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thumbnail Working with Vite in DDEV - an introduction | DDEV
thumbnail torenware/ddev-viteserve: An add-on to run the Vite dev server from inside the DDEV environment.
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thumbnail Equal Columns With Flexbox: It’s More Complicated Than You Might Think | CSS-Tricks
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thumbnail Have It All: External, Styleable, & Scalable SVG | Scott Jehl, Web Designer/Developer
thumbnail Patterns for Memory Efficient DOM Manipulation with Modern Vanilla JavaScript – Frontend Masters Boost
thumbnail Getting stuck: all the ways position:sticky can fail | Polypane
thumbnail AT Is More Than Screen Readers — Adrian Roselli
thumbnail Home × Mattrbld
thumbnail Your CSS reset needs text-size-adjust (probably) | Kilian Valkhof
thumbnail The infuriating inefficiency of accessibility audits · Eric Eggert
thumbnail Top 20 JavaScript Tricks and Tips for Every Developer 🚀 - DEV Community
thumbnail A handful of reasons JavaScript won’t be available - Piccalilli
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thumbnail Ultimate Guide to Visual Testing with Playwright
thumbnail Total TypeScript Essentials | Total TypeScript
thumbnail A short primer on SPF, DKIM and DMARC – Rob Allen
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thumbnail CSS inheritance: inherit, initial, unset, and revert - LogRocket Blog
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thumbnail Creating Fluid Typography with the CSS clamp() Function — SitePoint
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thumbnail Fleur bleue : la liste des 30 plus belles pour votre jardin
thumbnail Deep dive CSS: font metrics, line-height and vertical-align - Vincent De Oliveira
thumbnail Blockin’ bots. — Ethan Marcotte
thumbnail Typst: Compose papers faster
thumbnail How to display language-specific quotes in CSS | Stefan Judis Web Development
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thumbnail Creating color palettes with the CSS color-mix() function | MDN Blog
thumbnail Learn JavaScript  |
thumbnail RFC 5228 - Sieve: An Email Filtering Language
thumbnail Sieve tester | Fastmail
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thumbnail Quick Tip: How to Align Column Rows with CSS Subgrid — SitePoint
thumbnail AstrolabeCAE/SiteWebAstrolabe: Dépôt Git pour le site web d'Astrolabe - SiteWebAstrolabe - Git Astrolabe
thumbnail Inclusive Sans — Olivia King
thumbnail Build a Node App with TypeScript | Total TypeScript
thumbnail Dead Simple Sites — Minimal Website Inspiration
thumbnail Reprise de focus et accessibilité – Access42
thumbnail A Step-By-Step Guide To Building Accessible Carousels — Smashing Magazine
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thumbnail terminal - List of ANSI color escape sequences - Stack Overflow
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thumbnail Comment construire un petit système à énergie solaire ? | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
thumbnail Dialog, Modal, Popover : la synthèse - Alsacreations
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thumbnail A highly configurable switch component using modern CSS techniques - Piccalilli
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thumbnail jQuery.fn in Plain JavaScript - Stack Overflow
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thumbnail Live regions ARIA : aria-live et ses analogues alert, log, status – Access42
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thumbnail @scope - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
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thumbnail The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property — Smashing Magazine
thumbnail The Complete Playwright Cheatsheet | ProxiesAPI
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thumbnail Web component gotcha: constructor vs connectedCallback | Read the Tea Leaves
thumbnail aria-label, aria-labelledby, and aria-describedby: What's the Difference? | Ben Myers
thumbnail What Is ARIA? | Ben Myers
thumbnail hexagoncircle/click-spark: Add a little spark to your clicks
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thumbnail How to Build a Small Solar Power System | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
thumbnail Les grands mythes - L'Odyssée - Histoire | ARTE
thumbnail Custom events in Web Components | Go Make Things
thumbnail Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
thumbnail HTML: The Bad Parts - HTMHell
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thumbnail What the slot? - HTMHell
thumbnail Why carousels don't work - Anton Sten - Product Designer
thumbnail Dev toolkit for building collaborative editors – Tiptap
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thumbnail Components | The Component Gallery
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thumbnail Accessible360/accessible-slick: the last (accessible) carousel you'll ever need.
thumbnail Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript | MDN
thumbnail 11ty/is-land: A new performance-focused way to add interactive client-side components to your web site.
thumbnail A DRY Approach to Color Themes in CSS | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
thumbnail Behavior wrappers | Adam Stoddard
thumbnail CSS { In Real Life } | What to Blog About When You Don’t Know What to Blog About
thumbnail A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
thumbnail e-oj/Magic-Grid: A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.
thumbnail The CSS property you didn't know you needed 👈 - DEV Community
thumbnail Getting started with CSS container queries | MDN Blog
thumbnail Comment intégrer des tableaux HTML accessibles et conformes au RGAA ? – Access42
thumbnail Modern frontend testing with Vitest, Storybook, and Playwright - Defined Networking
thumbnail Answering Common Questions About Interpreting Page Speed Reports — Smashing Magazine
thumbnail WebPerf Snippets – Nextra
thumbnail Bienvenue sur Learn Performance !  |
thumbnail How To Run Linux On Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide - AppleToolBox
thumbnail Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on – News
thumbnail landrok/activitypub: A PHP implementation of ActivityPub protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format.
thumbnail - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
thumbnail New functions, gradients, and hues in CSS colors (Level 4) | MDN Blog
thumbnail CSS color-mix() - Chrome for Developers
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thumbnail Comment alléger son JavaScript | Julien Pradet
thumbnail Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript | Tobias Ahlin
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thumbnail Cooper Hewitt Guidelines for Image Description | Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum
thumbnail Using the HTML title attribute - Updated March 2020 - TPGi
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thumbnail paulirish/lite-youtube-embed: A faster youtube embed.
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thumbnail Playwright : l'outil qui va révolutionner les tests end-to-end - Conserto
thumbnail CSS lobotomized owl selector: A modern guide - LogRocket Blog
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thumbnail Web Components Accessibility FAQ - Manuel Matuzović
thumbnail Navigation - Accessible Web Dev
thumbnail · 3,591 Terms and Concepts for Web Professionals
thumbnail CSS Loaders: A collection of more than 500 loading animations
thumbnail Aligner des éléments avec CSS Grid et display: contents | Julien Pradet
thumbnail CSS scoped custom property ignored when used to calculate variable in outer scope - Stack Overflow
thumbnail · Contextual form errors and ARIA
thumbnail The A11Y Collective - Web Accessibility Courses and Training
thumbnail Build & Test Accessible Web Apps | Testing Accessibility
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thumbnail The joy of simplicity in web development | Go Make Things
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thumbnail Open Web Components
thumbnail Optimiser le chargement des icones | Julien Pradet
thumbnail How to Use the CSS Grid repeat() Function — SitePoint
thumbnail Optimiser le chargement des webfonts | Julien Pradet
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thumbnail 100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS - Manuel Matuzović
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thumbnail Pest | The elegant PHP testing framework
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thumbnail Optimize WebFont loading and rendering
thumbnail nucliweb/webperf-snippets: ⚡️ 💾 Web Performance Snippets
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thumbnail ApoorvSaxena/lozad.js: 🔥 Highly performant, light ~1kb and configurable lazy loader in pure JS with no dependencies for responsive images, iframes and more
thumbnail liuch/dmarc-srg: A php parser, viewer and summary report generator for incoming DMARC reports.
thumbnail Améliorer la saisie des dates dans nos funnels | by Émilie Dumaine | MAIF Data Design Tech etc. | Mar, 2023 | Medium
thumbnail matthiasott/README-template: A template for a project README
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thumbnail DISIC/guide-contribuer_accessible: Guide "Contribuer sur le Web de manière accessible"
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thumbnail Equality comparisons and sameness - JavaScript | MDN
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thumbnail Screen Readers support for text level HTML semantics - TPGi
thumbnail 5 takeaways from screen reader usability interviews - Jess Budd
thumbnail ffoodd/chaarts: Charts with HTML & CSS
thumbnail cferdinandi/build-tool-boilerplate: A simple boilerplate for using NPM tasks to build and compile JavaScript, CSS, and image files.
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thumbnail Numerik-ea | Agence digitale solidaire
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thumbnail How to install Microsoft TrueType Fonts on Fedora | FOSS Linux
thumbnail Stealing passwords from infosec Mastodon - without bypassing CSP | PortSwigger Research
thumbnail The wasted potential of CSS attribute selectors by Elise Hein
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thumbnail UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Form (Part 1) — Smashing Magazine
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thumbnail jeffmakes/borg-consciousness: Script to alert administrator if a remote borg backup hasn't been made for a while
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thumbnail A Complete Guide to Grid | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
thumbnail The #1 Free Minecraft Client | Lunar Client
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thumbnail Patterns | APG | WAI | W3C
thumbnail Under-Engineered Multi-Selects — Adrian Roselli
thumbnail How To Build A Progressively Enhanced, Accessible, Filterable And Paginated List — Smashing Magazine
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thumbnail Defensive CSS - Ahmad Shadeed
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thumbnail Intopia Launches WCAG 2.1 Map - Intopia
thumbnail Accessibility in JavaScript Frameworks Part 1: What's The Big Deal? - DEV Community
thumbnail Accessibility in JavaScript Frameworks Part 2: Comparing Each Framework - DEV Community
thumbnail Accessibilité numérique : améliorons nos arguments ! - Access42
thumbnail Giving a damn about accessibility
thumbnail Méditation n1 Scan corporel. Jon Kabat-Zinn / Bernard Giraudeau - YouTube
thumbnail Worldometer - real time world statistics
thumbnail mblode/marx: The classless CSS reset (perfect for Communists).
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thumbnail Labo·mg – Design, environnements & biodiversité
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thumbnail Guitar FX Layouts: Sagan Delay
thumbnail Guitar FX Layouts: 1776 Multiplex Jr.
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thumbnail Accessible SVGs: Perfect Patterns For Screen Reader Users — Smashing Magazine
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thumbnail HTML is Not a Programming Language? | CSS-Tricks
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thumbnail How to Structure a Large Scale Vue.js Application - Vue.js Tutorials
thumbnail ibraheemdev/modern-unix: A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
thumbnail Faiseuses Du Web - AperiTube
thumbnail Download the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font | Braille Institute
thumbnail BafS/Gutenberg: Modern framework to print the web correctly.                                               
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thumbnail I made 100 CSS loaders for your next project - DEV Community
thumbnail liberate / backupninja · GitLab
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thumbnail A Complete Guide To HTML Email — Smashing Magazine
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thumbnail Dorik - Build Beautiful Websites Without Code!
thumbnail Umso: The Website Platform for Startups
thumbnail Webflow: The no-code platform for web design and development
thumbnail Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs | by Peter Jang | Node.js Collection | Medium
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thumbnail CSSPIN - CSS Spinners and Loaders
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thumbnail zachleat/speedlify: Benchmark the web performance and accessibility of sites over time.
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thumbnail CSS Logical Properties - Piccalilli
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thumbnail Solution: Heading Keyline - Piccalilli
thumbnail MOOC Conception en Permaculture | Université des Colibris
thumbnail BEM Naming Cheat Sheet by 9elements
thumbnail [Mise au point]Les impacts du numérique : bonnes pratiques pour un Web plus écologique • Infomaniak
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thumbnail Here Dragons Abound: Creating a Pencil Effect in SVG
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thumbnail Arthur Lutz / Awesome software running on old hardware · GitLab
thumbnail Beginner's guide to Construct 2 - Free Tutorial
thumbnail Game Making Software - Construct 3
thumbnail Building an accessible autocomplete control by Adam Silver | Designer, London, UK.
thumbnail Front-End Performance Checklist 2020 [PDF, Apple Pages, MS Word] — Smashing Magazine
thumbnail deezer/spleeter: Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
thumbnail 🔥 GraphQL Crash Course (in 10 pics!) - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
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thumbnail spatie/simple-excel: Read and write simple Excel and CSV files
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