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jQuery.fn in Plain JavaScript - Stack Overflow
Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript | Tobias Ahlin
furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch: A duck punch for adding touch events to jQuery UI
kenwheeler/cash: An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers
jQuery Plugin To Create Fully Responsive Breadcrumbs - asBreadcrumbs | Free jQuery Plugins
cm0s/jquery-rcrumbs: jQuery plugin to create a responsive breadcrumb
slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
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Hide/Show Passwords: The Missing Plugin Cloud Four Blog
Swipebox | A touchable jQuery lightbox
CodeSeven/toastr GitHub
Teamwork Gantt
Elastislide - A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin | Codrops
Building Large-Scale jQuery Applications
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery | Codrops
jQTouch jQuery plugin for mobile web development
PHP Team: 10 jQuery Datagrid Plugins